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March 14

Elizabeth Laprelle and

Katherine Fahey & Dan Van Allen

Music On the Square (1025 South Potomac Street, Baltimore, MD 21224)


performing fiddle for Katherine Fahey's crankies





1st Saturdays

Mid-Atlantic Norwegian Dancers

various locations


traditional hardingfele dance tunes





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NOV 15 // Dickeysville Church // Baltimore, MD

                with Katherine Fahey

OCT 25 // Current Space // Baltimore MD

OCT 4 // Black Cherry Puppet Theatre// Baltimore, MD

SEP 28// Arts After Dark Festival// Easthampton, NJ

               with Katherine Fahey

SEP 22 // Clairborne Village Hall// Talbot County, MD

               with Katherine Fahey

SEP 15// Black Cherry Puppet Theatre// Baltimore, MD

SEP 9// Le Comptoir du Vin// Baltimore, MD

AUG 3//Mid-Atlantic Norwegian Dancers Monthly House Party// Washington DC

JULY 6// Black Cherry Puppet Theatre// Baltimore, MD

JUNE 22// SOLSTICE CELEBRATION at Current Space// Baltimore, MD

JUNE 8 // Boltcutters Circus Carnival Ball// Baltimore, MD

JUNE 1// House concert// Baltimore, MD

               with Katherine Fahey

MAY 4-6// Crankie Fest // Baltimore, MD

               with Katherine Fahey

APR 15// Red Room// Baltimore, MD

APR 13// Spring Springar Spree Dance// Adelphi, MD

APR 11// Wine Collective// Baltimore, MD

              with Laura Hummel

MAR 16// Black Cherry Puppet Theatre// Baltimore, MD

FEB 10// Mid-Atlantic Norwegian Dancers Monthly House Party// Washington DC

JAN 26- Creative Alliance// Baltimore, MD




            with Maisie O'Brien
NOV 7- 10 Forward // Greenfield, MA**

NOV 6 -Sisters // Brooklyn, NY**

NOV 5 -Open Kitchen Sculpture Garden // Philadelphia, PA**

NOV 4- Rhizome // Washington D.C.**

NOV 2- Maryland Center for History & Culture // Baltimore, MD**

NOV 1 - The Birdhouse // Lambertville, NJ**


OCT 13 - Watermelon Pickers Festival// Berryville, VA

             with the Chalkfit Stringband

OCT 7 - Mid-Atlantice Norwegian Dancers House Party // Washington, DC

SEP 29- Current Space// Baltimore, MD

SEP 9. - NJ Crankie Fest: Arts In The Dark Festival // Easthampton, NJ

AUG 6- Mid-Atlantice Norwegian Dancers House Party // Washington, DC



             with Maisie O'Brien

JUNE 12. Grey Matter Books//  New, Haven CT**

JUNE 14. Black Cherry Puppet Theatre// Baltimore, MD**

JUNE 17.  Sunview Luncheonette// Brooklyn, NY**

JUNE 18. Studio 34// Philadelphia, PA**


APRIL 9. Apohadion// Portland, ME

JAN 29. Maine Craft Distilling// Portland, ME

            with Dan Klingsberg

JAN 16. The Apohodian// Portland, ME





DEC 20. An Die Musik// Baltimore, MD)

              with BOISTER

OCT 21 . Troy Listening Room// Troy, NY

SEP 16 . Washington Baths // Portland, ME

JULY 29. Private Location// Portland, ME

JULY 13. Blue //Portland, ME

JULY 8 & 9. Gravity Hill Festival at The Pushkin/ Greenfield, MA

             with Webb Crawford on July 9

26 MAR. One Longfellow Square // Portland, ME

27 MAR. Maine Craft Distilling// Portland, ME

              with Dan Klingsberg





FIRST SATURDAYS. Mid-Atlantic Norwegian Dancers (virtual).

10 JULY . Nordic Fiddles and Feet (virtual).

Live Performance: "The Hardingfele & the Mystical Process of Tune Transmission"

30 OCTOBER. HOLD Festival with Mei Ann Teo (virtual)






29 MAY. Outback Snakehouse// West Philly, PA

20 JULY.  SHAKE MORE AU GO GO! Festival// Private Location, MD





25 SEP.  Dear Globe Cafe// Baltimore, MD

18 APRIL. The Red Barn // Amherst MA

6 APRIL. Mixed Nuts Co-op // Amherst, MA

9 MAR. Centrum Gallery// Amherst, MA



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